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Soil Applied:
Incorporating the residue from a 4 tonne crop of wheat is a tough job for you and your soil to handle. Bio-Mulch will speed up the decomposition of this bio-mass, turning into beneficial humus.​​
Humic SC is a biologically active soil feed. It is a mix of seaweed, humic/fulvic acids and soil conditioners that work to encourage water infiltration through your soil profile.
Humic SCG
A worthwhile and cost effective method of improving soil drainage and reducing water logging and compaction.
Bio-N is the next generation nitrogen fertiliser providing a true slow release of nitrogen that is 100% efficient to your crop as and when required.
A worthwhile and cost effective method of improving soil drainage and reducing water logging and compaction creating a drier and healthier environment for your Horse/Pony.
A sustainable and effective solution for promoting plant health, improving soil quality, and reducing the reliance on chemical inputs in agriculture.
Foliar Applied:
Complex Folio-N™
COMPLEX FOLI-N has proven to be very beneficial in maintaining green leaf area, improving plant nutrient status during periods of stress and rapid growth and optimising nitrogen uptake for grain fill.
A biological foliar and soil feed that promotes plant growth, health, and nutrition uptake. It contains megabacters and essential nutrients.
Mega-Fos™ Carrot
A biological foliar plant and soil feed developed by Soil Fertility Services. It enhances soil health and plant growth, specifically for carrot and parsnip crops.
Mega-Fos™ Organic
Mega-Fos is a bio-logical foliar plant and soil feed that is not only biologically active it is biologically regenerative. As your soils start to warm up, your crops begin to wake-up.
Vitaplex is a liquid concentrate consisting of a broad range of minerals and sugars with humic and fulvic compounds.
Vita-Protect is a liquid concentrate consisting of a broad range of minerals and sugars, with humic and fulvic compounds only found in our unique Vitaplex V8 product.
Vitaplex V8
Vitaplex V8 is a liquid biological amendment
derived from high-quality vermicompost.
It’s designed to improve soil health, enhance
plant growth, and increase crop yields.
Bio-K is a biological amendment designed
to release locked-up potassium from the soil
and make it available to plants. It offers a
more sustainable and cost-effective alternative
to traditional potassium fertilisers.
Slurry Pit Powder
Ag Slag and Hi-Phos Slag
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