Complex Foli-N is a high-protein, low-cost feed supplement designed to improve the nutritional value and palatability of forage-based rations. It is beneficial when high-protein feeds like soybean and rapeseed meal are expensive or unavailable.
COMPLEX FOLI-N has proven to be very beneficial in maintaining green leaf area, improving plant nutrient status during periods of stress and rapid growth and optimising nitrogen uptake for grain fill. When applied to cereals and OSR crops it will improve plant health and alleviate drought stress.
Contains nitrogen, magnesium, manganese, zinc, sulphur and boron plus other trace nutrients essential for optimal plant growth along with biological stimulants and a consortium of beneficial micro-organisms dubbed ‘Megabacters’.
Better potential for higher yields
No leaching or volatilisation
Improved biological production
Significant uptake green leaf area
Decreased reliance on chemicals
Improved plant nutrient uptake

What is it?
Using the unique Complex Technology, Complex Foli-N uses S.A.N (Stabilised Amino Nitrogen) complexed with magnesium or sulphur and added to biological activators, our beneficial bacillus consortium ‘Megabacters’, seaweed extract, humic acids, fulvic acids and essential trace elements.
COMPLEX FOLI-N is a complete plant food and natural growth stimulant. In fact, it contains a total of 27 essential plant nutrients. Trials show crop response from 1kg of foliar nitrogen applied to the leaf being equivalent to 4kg Ammonium Nitrate applied to the soil.
Therefore, an application of only 10 lt/ha will do the same (or better) as 8kg of soil applied nitrogen. When applied during times of rapid growth or high stress, COMPLEX FOLI-N directly activates major plant processes, allowing plants to make better use of inputs and helps to prevent disease pressure.
Using the unique Complex Technology, Complex Foli-N uses S.A.N (Stabilised Amino Nitrogen) complexed with magnesium or sulphur and added to biological activators, our beneficial bacillus consortium ‘Megabacters’, seaweed extract, humic acids, fulvic acids and essential trace elements.
COMPLEX FOLI-N is a complete plant food and natural growth stimulant. In fact, it contains a total of 27 essential plant nutrients. Trials show crop response from 1kg of foliar nitrogen applied to the leaf being equivalent to 4kg Ammonium Nitrate applied to the soil.
Therefore, an application of only 10 lt/ha will do the same (or better) as 8kg of soil applied nitrogen. When applied during times of rapid growth or high stress, COMPLEX FOLI-N directly activates major plant processes, allowing plants to make better use of inputs and helps to prevent disease pressure.
Why megabacters?
Applying a consortium of specially selected beneficial microorganisms and not individual strains increases their effectiveness in what is a dynamic environment. So as conditions change, different individual strains of bacillus thrive and wane, this way beneficial bio-diversity is maintained at the optimum level.
SFS Biological Trials on Spring Barley

SFS Biological Trials on Maize

Complex Foli-N products
Complex Foli-N + Mg
Magnesium is a vital nutrient for all plants. A key part of the photosynthetic process and crucial for the production of chlorophyll this essential nutrient is often low in early season tissue tests. Complexed with the nitrogen it can make a big difference to the health and potential of your crop.
Complex Foli-N + S
For milling wheat growers it is crucial that crop protein levels do not fail at the last minute. Achieving 13% protein levels secures a premium price so ensuring the levels is the ‘be all’ and ‘end all’ of each years crop.
Complex Foli-N OSR (with Boron and Molybdenum)
Most OSR crops demand more Nitrogen, Sulphur and Magnesium post flowering at a time when soil is often drying out and the plant is under stress, conventional soil applied products struggle to meet crop demand at this time.
Complex Foli-N Maize (with Zinc and Boron)
Maize needs a large percentage of its Nitrogen requirement from the 8 leaf stage, through tasseling and on to cob fill. This often coincides with difficult soil conditions meaning that your crop can be put under large amounts of stress, leaving the crop short of nitrogen during these crucial growth stages.
Complex Foli-N products are all mixed in seaweed base with Humic/Fulvic acids, plant growth promoters, essential trace elements and Megabacters.
These products form part of SFS Ltd’s biological nutrition programme.