The BetterGrass
To grow better grass, it’s essential to understand the balances and ratios of minerals in your soil and fodder. Implementing a simple, cost-effective soil nutrient balancing program and using fertilisers correctly, if needed, is crucial.
Quality grass requires 20 or more minerals, all of which are necessary for your livestock’s health and growth. Increasing mineral levels in grass will enhance the immune system of the animals that consume it, resulting in healthier, more robust stock. Healthy soil and nutrient-rich grass also promote better digestion and nutrient absorption in livestock, leading to improved growth rates and overall productivity.
We continuously improve our products to ensure they meet our clients' needs. With this goal in mind, we now offer a range of BetterGrass products to suit every client and situation. A forage or silage sample will help determine the most suitable product for your requirements. Whether you are looking to boost mineral content or address specific deficiencies, our tailored solutions will ensure optimal grass quality and livestock health.​
BetterGrass Liquid – 3 types
7 steps to better animal health
Identification: Sample the soil, look at the structure and biology. Is there any?
Interpretation: What exactly does the result tell you?
Recommendations: What do you need to do to grow better quality grass?
Use correct product: What will be the most effective product?
Application Schedule: Right rates, right time.
Cultivations: Aeration or pan busting (if required)
Evaluation: Make sure the program is working.

How do you grow better grass
To grow better grass means finding out what the balances and ratios of minerals are in your soil and fodder, then implementing a simple but cost effective programme for soil nutrient balancing and the correct use of fertilisers IF required.
​A good quality grass needs 20 or more minerals and your stock needs ALL of these if they are to enjoy good health and grow as they should. Increasing mineral levels in the grass will improve the immune system in the animals that eat it, why then would you use only N P K?
​Trace minerals are essential including selenium, iodine, copper, zinc etc. but the single most important nutrient bar none is calcium –CALCIUM IS KING.
Calcium plays a critical role as an essential nutrient not only for your stock but for the plant and also for soil micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi etc.) These affect straw and trash decomposition, soil structure and nutrient availability.
More than:
50% of UK pastures are deficient in cobalt​
75% are deficient in selenium​​
45% are deficient in copper​
70% are deficient in zinc
58% are deficient in sodium​
​100% have ‘locked-up minerals
The BetterGrass Program. Why?
When you join The BetterGrass Program, we will analyse your soil and evaluate the grass, forage, and feed values. Based on these analyses, we provide detailed recommendations to improve soil health and grass quality.
We also source the most effective products for your specific needs and re-check the soil and grass once the program is underway to monitor the results.
Additionally, we offer advice on cultivation, aeration, and sub-soiling to ensure optimal growth and productivity.