Incorporating the residue from a 4 tonne crop of wheat is a tough job for you and your soil to handle. BIO-MULCH will speed up the decomposition of this bio-mass, turning into beneficial humus.
​The decomposition process is a biological function and requires the work of Bacteria, Fungi, Nematodes, Amoebae and our best friends ‘Lumbruscus Terrestris’ - better known to us as earthworms.
BIO-MULCH contains amine nitrogen with humic acids and Eco SC. It is the only complete soil conditioner with biological activators and nitrogen-fixing organisms and Megabacters.
These natural beneficial microbes will not only fix nitrogen but release phosphate and trigger essential plant growth auxins. The soil conditioner improves water infiltration and encourages deeper rooting.
Increases phosphate availability
Decomposes straw and builds Humus
Increases soil biological activity
Reduced chance of disease carry over
Biological inoculant
Humus improves your soil
Working with and understanding the biology of the soil; firstly, how to feed your soil so that it can feed your plants and secondly, understanding how your plant will feed the soil - it’s symbiotic.
In order to improve the biological activity of your soils, we add a range of beneficial bacteria and fungi to the Bio-Mulch. This soil life should be ever present in your soils but chemical treatments and cultivation can harm these populations. They will come back over a period of time depending on soil and weather conditions, but we can speed the process up by using products like BIO-MULCH.
Most arable soils are bacterial dominated, we need a better balance for disease control and general soil fertility. Fungicides and cultivations destroy any fungi quickly, bacteria are much quicker to repopulate and utilise the food source which then increases the dominance.​​
The beneficial bacteria we add are a consortium of 8 different strains of bacillus all with different roles, some are decomposers, some are phosphate fixers, some trigger photosynthesis, some produce antibiotics and reduce disease pressure. They will also fix nitrogen and make other nutrients/minerals more readily ‘available’.
Licheniformis bacillus are included to assist in the breakdown of straw and the prevention of diseases such as Phytophthora and Fusarium. Fungi like damp, cool conditions, so autumn is a prime time for building numbers and seeing it working in the soil
After 2-3 weeks, if it is cool and damp, look at the roots of your crops, look for hyphae, increased earthworm activity and white rot/mould – it will be there and smells lovely!
How does it work?
When applied to chopped straw and chaff, the decomposers in the Megabacters begin to breakdown the lignin in the straw. This is not something that happens quickly but continues to work right into the winter.
BIO-MULCH includes a full range of Megabacters and nitrogen fixers, with an improved food source in a seaweed base. This increases the population of beneficial micro-organisms, which results in faster straw degradation, more disease control and bigger, stronger rooting systems.
The nitrogen fixers in this product will add extra nitrogen into the rooting area of the crop and will continue working until the soil temperature drops to 4°C and with the added amino nitrogen and trace elements in the product it will push early growth.
Zinc will increase root growth and the beneficial phosphate fixers and biological activity will cause the plant to produce cytokinins which also improve plant health and increase rooting area.
The soil conditioners will improve water infiltration and increase air space. Trials show 200% increase in root weight. When you use herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, you upset and cause damage to the delicate beneficial soil and plant micro-organisms.
We are not suggesting you cannot grow the big crops you need without using these chemicals, but what you can and should do is to take the opportunity to restore health and balance.
Feed the soil...
...and the soil will feed the plant, and vice versa. BIO-MULCH is the only complete soil conditioner with biological activators and nitrogen fixing organisms.
​These natural beneficial micro-organisms will not only fix nitrogen, but release phosphate and trigger essential plant growth auxins. The soil conditioner improves water infiltration and encourages deeper rooting.​​​​