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Humic SCG

Humic SCG

The Ionic Nature of Soils                                                                                           


Particularly clays and the polarised molecular structure of water results in strongly bonded water in the soil system. It is the strength of this soil-water adhesion which leads to soil compaction thus resulting in poor water infiltration, low overall water capacity, reduced soil aeration and high shear strength.


Compacted soil reduces air space which will inhibit beneficial micro-organisms. The soil will tend to go hard when dry and hold excess water at other times. An application of Humic SCG will penetrate to depths of three to four feet and by doing so will improve porosity by up to 30%. 

One of the most readily observed results of a treatment of Humic SCG is improved water infiltration rates. By reducing the adhesion which produces compaction of soil into rigid structures, particularly into a hard pan layer, the Soil Conditioner readies the soil for much deeper and faster influx of water. The increased penetration of water results in reduced run-off and standing water in previously wet areas.

Soils that have the correct balance and ratio of nutrients, together with an active humus content, are said to be fertile. Fertility is not an accident and does not in itself guarantee high yields. The highest yields will always come from crops that have been subjected to the least amount of stress and most stress comes from either too much or too little water which will result in too  much or too little oxygen in the soil.

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Humic SCG can used in conjunction with The BetterGrass Program




Water must be able to move through the soil  easily, both down in wet periods (heavy rain and winter) but  also up by capillary action in times of drought and low rain periods.


Grass roots will not thrive in a soil that is waterlogged. This is often when disease will set in and growth will be stunted and weak. Nutrient availability and uptake is dependent upon aerobic conditions and the work of beneficial micro-organisms in the soil.

Humic SCG can be used to improve water infiltration, by breaking down the adhesion forming compaction. It stimulates root development, thus improving aeration and allowing the roots to obtain essential nutrients, thereby encouraging and increasing biological activity.


Humic SCG contains a unique formulation of Soil Emollients and Natural Humic Acids with a range of biological and natural plant growth stimulants, that will improve soil life and increase Humus levels. Together, these will produce a stronger and healthier grass that is less susceptible to disease in a soil that drains more freely, allowing quicker access after watering or wet weather.

There are two major problems in grass management:



Compacted soils have reduced pore spaces - therefore less room for water, air and beneficial micro-organisms causing anaerobic conditions. This creates the wrong environment for beneficial soil micro-organisms. Soil pathogens then take over to attack the roots of the plant.

Humic SCG produces a stronger and healthier grass that is less susceptible to disease in a soil that drains more freely, allowing quicker access after wet weather.



Causes similar problems to the above but the soil need not be compacted for this to happen.  Imbalances of Calcium to Magnesium can cause this problem.


Humic SCG contains a unique soil conditioning agent which allows water to move easily through the soil, improving water infiltration and increasing aeration.


This product contains soil conditioners designed to increase water infiltration, increase depth of rooting and improve soil structure. 

Alan Inman: 
Alan runs a mixed arable/beef enterprise in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, contacted Soil Fertility Services for help in improving approximately 30a of grassland which he had recently taken on an FBT.

The fields had been poorly farmed and grass growth and quality left a lot to be desired. Being in a high magnesium soil area as most of the Vale of York land is, the soils had become hard and compacted.

After initial assessment by SFS in mid-March Alan was advised to apply Humic SCG to open the soils up followed later by an application of gypsum to address the high magnesium problem. The Humic SCG was applied on 24th March and after a visit on 11th May Alan had this to say:

“The problem fields have been totally transformed, where before I saw no response to fertiliser and manure applications, now after the Humic SCG application the grass has gone through rapid growth and changed from pale to deep green. I am now going to be able to take a cut of silage which I was not expecting to happen so soon”. 

Robert Leiper:

Robert farms in Newcastle Tyne and Wear. “I had some fields that you couldn’t even walk on in the autumn and winter. Since using the Humic SCG I can now have stock on them without concern and get across them on my quad bike”.

Jeff Woof:

Jeff is based in Cumbria and has used Humic SCG for 6 years now. “I started using the Humic SCG years ago to try and improve the wet areas of the farm and  reduce my liver fluke problems. It worked so well on getting the water moving that I now use it on all my grassland as it improves the water infiltration and this gives me a better quality and quantity of grass”.

David Stebbings: 
David farms in Berwickshire. "I used Humic SCG on two very different areas; one was a very heavy field that water logged easily which sickened the grass but after aerating and using the Humic SCG grass is much thicker and greener and soil is loamy and no longer
becoming water logged. 

The other area is very steep hillside that I can’t get muck on, it dries out easily and doesn't grow grass well. The difference there is amazing. There is definitely more grass, less gaps and better quality grass. I know its down to the Humic SCG because I only had enough to do half of the hillside and the other half is still struggling to grow grass!" 

We Also Know How Using Humic SCG Can Lessen Compaction


Water must be able to move freely in the soil  -  both down in times of high rainfall and back via capillary action in times of drought. Water logged or drought prone soil is most likely to be suffering from  compaction.


A well-structured soil will hold water and oxygen in the correct amounts allowing grass to breath. This also encourages production of the vast array of beneficial micro-organisms that will go a long way towards feeding your crop most of it’s nutrient requirements.


Many of the best soils have critical water management problems that must be solved before the most efficient production can be achieved.

Applying Humic SCG will help excess water to move through the soil allowing in the air with the subsequent benefits of improved biological activity and humus building.  


Humic SCG  is a worthwhile and cost effective method of improving soil drainage and reducing soil shear strength.


  • Increased Water Infiltration

  • Increased Yield Potential

  • Increased Growing Season

  • Increased Nutrient Availability

  • Increased Biological Activity

  • Decreased Water Logging

  • Decreased Risk of Liver Fluke

  • Decreased Acidity

  • Decreased Hard Compacted Soil

  • Decreased Fertiliser Requirements

  • Decreased Nitrogen Loss


Humic SCG

From This

Humic SCG

To This



A worthwhile and cost effective method of improving soil drainage and reducing water logging and compaction.

We Know How Compacted Soils On Your Farm Costs You Money

How HUMIC SCG Works in the Soil


Compacted Soils

Clay Fractions/Soil Colloids

Clay colloids have varying amounts of negative charge.  These negative charges attract to and  hold the  positive charged ions called Cations. The Cations are made up of Ca++, Mg++, K+, H+ plus some of the trace minerals and Fe+++.

The water in the soil (H2O) can also be attracted to the colloid and a film can

be formed around the clay particle. This film may attract and pull other colloids creating a ‘bound water’ which will cause the soil to become anaerobic (lacking oxygen). This bound water also reduces the water movement ‘percolation’ and will restrict root development.

Humic SCG
Humic SCG

Humic SCG is anionic (negatively charged) and with the polymer and glycols    is able to release this trapped water. As the water moves out and oxygen goes in, the soil colloids will move apart, creating pore space. This porosity creates conditions that allow the beneficial micro-organisms to build  the  humus in the soil.


Once you have humus created - your soil structure will improve, plant nutrient ‘availability’ is increased and grass growth increases.

Liver Fluke

The Liver Fluke is an ever-present parasite, affecting the health and welfare of cattle world-wide and is estimated to cost the UK agriculture industry £300 million a year. Evidence seems to suggest that the prevalence of the infection has increased considerably in recent years.

Liver Fluke disease (Fasciolosis) is caused by the trematode parasite Fasciola hepatica.  Disease can result from the migration of large numbers of immature flukes through the liver, or from the presence of adult flukes in the bile ducts, or both. Liver Fluke can infect all grazing animals (and man) but mainly affects sheep and cattle. The parasite requires a host body - the mud snail Galba (Lymnaea) Truncatula, which resides in muddy, slightly acidic conditions, particularly areas associated with poor drainage, meaning the incidence of liver fluke is far greater in the wetter areas of the country and in years when there is high rainfall.

With the capacity of the snail to multiply rapidly (100,000 offspring in 3-4 months) along with the multiplication of the parasite within the snail, there is potential for very large numbers of parasites.

Adult fluke lay eggs that are passed out onto pasture in the faeces. At suitable temperatures a miracidia larva develops within the egg, hatches and migrates in thin films of moisture, actively seeking the snail host. Within the snail they undergo two further development  stages, including multiplication, eventually becoming infective cercariae larvae, which emerge from the snail when the temperature and moisture levels are suitable and migrate onto wet herbage.

The hatching of fluke eggs and the multiplication of snails depend on adequate moisture and temperatures greater than 10°C. Such conditions usually occur from May - October in the UK.

In wet summers, snail populations multiply rapidly and snails are invaded by hatching miracidia from May - July. If wet weather continues, the snails shed massive numbers of  cercariae onto pasture during July - October. Conversely, if the climate in May - July is dry or cold, few snails appear, fewer fluke eggs hatch and levels of contamination in the autumn are much lower.

Use HUMIC SCG to reduce the risk of Liver Fluke by reducing the amount of standing water in your fields.



Including Fulvic and Humic Acids and Natural Composted Percolates. Also contains Vitamins and Plant Growth Stimulants with a range of proteins and carbohydrates all designed to feed the soil. HUMIC SCG also contains a clever formulation of anionic Glycol’s with Block Polymers and Succinates to improve water infiltration and act as a soil emollient (softens the soil and improves biological activity).

Humic SCG
Humic SCG
Humic SCG

For more advice or

to place an order

Telephone: 01366 384899

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